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RVCTRA - Dental Plan

RVCRTA Dental Plan
An agreement has been reached with Sele-Dent, Inc. to allow members of the RVCRTA access to the network of providers. 
Benefit: Access to discount prices off usual and customary charges by using network dentists.
Annual Cost: $25 [for member AND family]
Enrollment: Fill out the form and mail it with a check for $25 to:
 Sele-Dent, Inc.
381 Sunrise Highway
Suite 307
Lynbrook, NY 11563
Where can I find the form?      
On the RVCTA website
May I use any dentists?                     
No, only dentists in the network offer discount prices for service.
Is there any reimbursement? 
No, only a discount for services.
May I still pay COBRA for the RVCTA Benefit Trust Dental Plan to receive reimbursements?       
Yes, if you are currently paying COBRA, or wish to start as a new retiree, you may send $50 a month to continue in the RVCTA Benefit Trust plan.
Is there an enrollment period?           
No, you may enroll at any time.

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