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No Cost Financial Counseling Benefits from NYSUT

A 403(b) Field Guide will be available in early January at no cost to you. This 20-page booklet discusses aspects of 403(b) plans along with stressing the importance of saving for retirement. It covers the different types of 403(b) plans available to NYSUT members, including various features, fees and benefits of each. You’ll soon be able to print a copy of the guide from our website,, or you can request a copy by calling us at 800-626-8101.

Also available next month, Member Benefits contracted with the provider of our endorsed Financial Counseling Program, Stacey Braun Associates, Inc., to provide 403(b) Provider-Specific Workshops. These workshops cover the top 5 403(b) providers offered by your local’s employer and review the features of each plan, including fees, performance, available options and more. The workshops have a registration fee of $20 per participant and a minimum requirement of 30 participants. (A local could also schedule this workshop as a webinar for a flat fee of $250.) Specific questions about an individual’s 403(b) plan will not be addressed during these workshops.

Financial Planning Puzzle Workshops will be offered at NYSUT Regional Offices statewide starting next month (see the following schedule for dates and times). The twists and turns of the economy have clarified the need for a financial plan; unfortunately, for many, beginning a financial plan remains a daunting task. This 2-hour workshop, presented by a NYSUT Member Benefits Financial Services Coordinator, outlines the process, covering 5 key areas of financial planning: cash management, risk management, savings, retirement and estate planning. There is no fee to attend. (Member Benefits staff is also available to present these workshops at local membership meetings.) To reserve your seat, please contact Deb Conerty at 800-626-8101, ext. 1233, or (put FPP in the subject line).

Financial Planning Puzzle Workshops – 4 p.m. – 6 p.m.:

Nassau – Feb. 2, 2011 & March 2, 2011

Suffolk – Jan. 12, 2011

Coming soon: A financial workshop specifically targeted to retired members.

We hope you will take advantage of some of these new Financial Education Services.


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